Do you have an energy transition project? You can equip your home with several devices using renewable energy, such as your heating or hot water production system. You can also install solar panels to produce clean electricity!
What are renewable energies?
A renewable energy comes from a natural energy source which is renewed over a short enough time to be considered as inexhaustibleConversely, fossil fuels, such as coal, natural gas, oil or fuel oil, are renewed very slowly.
Moreover, Fossil fuels are very polluting, during their operation or during combustion, by releasing polluting gases into the atmosphere.
The renewable energies that can be used in our homes are:
- photovoltaic solar energy : sunlight is converted into electricity;
- solar thermal energy : sunlight is used for heating or hot water production;
- wind energy : wind energy is transformed into electricity;
- hydraulic energy : water energy can be used to produce electricity, as with a dam;
- aerothermal energy : calories from the outside air are captured and redistributed in the home for heating or the production of domestic hot water;
- geothermal energy : heat from the ground or groundwater is used to heat buildings;
- biomass : several elements can be used, such as wood or agricultural waste, to produce heat or electricity.
Not all of these renewable energies are available on a household scale. It seems difficult to install wind power equipment for your home, but you can install devices that run on solar, aerothermal, geothermal or biomass energy!
Selecting an ecological heating system
If you wish equip your home with renewable energies, we advise you to start by changing your heating system, especially if it runs on gas, electricity or fuel oil.
You have the choice between different renewable energy heating devices:
- An aerothermal heat pump : the air-water heat pump is a recommended device for an efficient energy transition. It allows you to save energy and reduce your environmental impact.
- A geothermal heat pump : very efficient, it allows you to make more savings than an air-water model, but it is more expensive. It is necessary to have land and to carry out drilling.
- A biomass boiler : it uses fuel in the form of wood logs, pellets or chips. Wood is the cheapest fuel on the market.
- A wood or pellet stove : often used as additional heating, it can heat a small home or provide support for a heat pump when temperatures are below zero.
Get more information about eco-friendly heating systems here !
Changing your domestic hot water production equipment
If you have a domestic hot water production system independent of your heating system, it is advisable to choose renewable energy equipment for your ecological transition. For example:
- an individual solar water heater : solar thermal panels are used to heat water in a storage tank;
- a thermodynamic water heater : a heat pump transfers calories from the air into the hot water tank;
- a combined solar system : it allows the heating of the home and domestic water using solar energy;
- an air-water or geothermal heat pump : a device for hot water and for heating the home.
Be aware that most of these heating or hot water devices are eligible for state aid !
Installing solar panels to produce clean electricity
Solar panels are a very efficient solution if you want to reduce your impact on the environment, be less dependent on the electricity grid or make energy savings in the long term.
By installing photovoltaic solar panels on your roof, you can produce your electricity, using a natural, unlimited and clean source. Sunlight is free and inexhaustible, and does not generate polluting waste!
When installing solar panels, you have a choice between partial or total self-consumptionYou can obtain installation assistance by choosing partial self-consumption.
If you do not cover all your needs, you can choose a contract ofcheaper electricity or green electricity for the portion of electricity you do not produce. It is easy to find which energy supplier is is the cheapest with the electricity comparator !